Friday, July 1, 2011

40 Days of Prayer - Day 22

Praise the LORD!
I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart.
Psalm 111:1

There is great thanksgiving in my heart tonight.  This will be short and I will have to give details tomorrow, but I want to share with you that the Lord has answered one of our ongoing prayers for a doctor with whom I can work.  I saw the ND brother of my friend today, and the visit was beyond my hopes.  So many incredible blessings.  There is a renewed sense of hope in my heart, especially after this past week of such difficulty.

We had plenty of time to talk as he administered IV therapy, which I believe is helping already with clarity of thinking and energy.  I am very tired, but even after a long day, I am not totally decked.  I've been able to eat again today, and my stomach is quiet.  Great blessing!

I'll write more tomorrow.

Today's Prayer Requests:
~ That the building blocks of treatment will effectively lay the foundation for healing.
~ Praise, praise, praise for this amazing answer!

Thank you so much for praying!

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