Friday, July 22, 2011

Prayer Update 1

This is the message we have heard from Him
and announce to you,
that God is Light,
and in Him there is no darkness at all.
1John 1:5 

I just wanted to give a quick update and ask for prayer for a couple of things.

The past few days have been pretty difficult with my back and weight loss again.  I had a reaction to something on Tuesday and wasn't able to eat very well for a couple of days.  I'm doing better now, but have some ground to regain.  It seems that my back is at least partly related to my stomach, so it's been one of those weeks.  I went to my back doctor today and I was "out" for the first time in 10 weeks, which is some sort of record for me.  I'm recovering from the adjustment.  So, I would appreciate prayer for the ability to eat well and gain back the weight I lost this past week.

Maggie and I are taking a trip to California starting on Sunday to deliver a car to my brother.  I am looking forward to the trip, even though it'll be tiring.  I'm hoping that being away from the mold issues will be helpful for these days.  We would appreciate prayer for safety going and coming, and for blessing and ministry as we see several dear friends, my brother and my only girl cousin who I haven't seen in many, many years.  I'm so looking forward to seeing her.  I will also be spending some time with an old friend who is involved in Theophostic healing ministry.  Very cool.

Today's Prayer Requests:
~ Ability to eat and gain weight, again  :-)
~ Safety on our trip to California
~ Blessed time with friends and family

Thank you!

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