Sunday, July 3, 2011

40 Days of Prayer - Day 24

Bless the LORD, O my soul,
And all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Psalm 103:1

He is good and only gives good gifts.  Sometimes it's hard to view something as a good gift in the midst of trouble.  And other times it's easy to recognize something as a good gift.  Today was like that, both ways.  Our son and his wife were rear-ended in a 4 or 5 car incident and afterwards, our six-months-pregnant daughter-in-law could detect no movement from their baby.  There was an hour there where all I could do was say, "Help, Lord.  Help."  My memories of losing many of my own babies were washing over me, and in small and pitiful attempts I was asking Him to spare them the loss of their child.  Hard to view the accident as a good gift.

At the end of that hour, we heard that the baby was moving again.  And as the hours went on, the heartbeat remained strong and the baby was as active as ever.  We are still waiting for the definitive results of a blood test and ultrasound, but all is pointing to the positive.  Both my son and his wife are okay.  Very sore, but okay.  Easy to view these blessings as good gifts.

I'm too tired to be very articulate at this point, but this deal that God is always good, and only gives good gifts, is something I am working through in my life.  My health issues are a good gift, because God is good and only gives good gifts.  So, I am learning about thanking Him for it all, knowing that His purposes may remain unknown to me until I see the top-side of the tapestry someday in heaven, able there to view the purpose of the dark threads among the light, and I'm learning to trust Him for what He's doing, here and now.

Today's Prayer Requests:
~ That the tests would reveal nothing wrong with the baby.
~ Continued perseverance through the ups and downs of unpredictable days.
~ Again, as yesterday, a solution for different housing for us.
~ Dale is still looking for a car.

Thank you so much for praying.

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