Debbie's Story

June 8, 2011
In my own words......

Over the past couple of years I've had a decline in health, starting with back problems. Last year, my stomach issues, with which I've dealt for a long time, intensified. With the removal of dairy and gluten from my diet last spring, my stomach and back were helped for about six months. After that, though, the stomach and back issues started up again, at times on a debilitating level. All of this has been accompanied by major weight loss and increasing joint pain.  In November of last year, I started on the SCD (specific carbohydrate diet) to see if that would help with my stomach and gut issues. SCD is a starch-free diet designed to allow the gut to heal by eliminating substances that a damaged gut can't process.  There have still been no real changes in my symptoms.  Also in question is whether food and mold allergies are contributors to my overall ill health.

In February, I went to an internist and his diagnosis for my stomach was chronic gastritis. He indicated that it was probably brought on by use of Ibuprofen for my back pain and then the major stress I experienced related to things with my dad. I was also diagnosed with major Vitamin B & D deficiencies (earmarks of poor absorption).  Medication was prescribed for my stomach, which seemed to help for awhile, but the nausea continued to return.

In April, after the benefit concert, I was able to start seeing my back doctor again.  Because of an apparent injury years ago, my atlas (top vertebrae) doesn't like to stay in place.  I had help for this several years ago, but was unable to continue seeing the doctor for a variety of reasons.  The degree to which it goes out of alignment is rather severe, so it has been wonderful to be able to return and start treatment again.  I am holding the alignment well, but I am still dealing with back issues.

Also in late-April / early-May, I started going to a ND in Renton, hoping to find the root cause of my stomach issues.  At my first visit, he determined that I have all the body signs of poor absorption in my small intestines (not a great surprise).  He ran endocrine tests which determined I have both very low active thyroid hormone levels and low adrenal hormone levels.  He also ordered tests to determine if my stomach harbored helicobacter-pylori bacteria and whether I had anti-bodies to my own thyroid (Hashimoto's disease), both of which were negative.  No Hashimoto's disease is a very good thing.  On the other hand, the fact that there is no h-pylori present begs the question as to what would then be causing my stomach distress.  That remains to be determined.

I started on thyroid medication toward the end of May, and about 2 weeks into it, I started exhibiting symptoms that could be contributed to thyroid "overdose" - heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea, weight loss.  I discontinued the medication and am working with the Dr. to determine what comes next.

So, that is the back-story, and we go from here into the 40-Days of Prayer which Jessie has so marvelously put together.

Thank you, thank you for your prayers.  They mean so much to me.