Monday, July 11, 2011

40 Days of Prayer - Day 32

 After you have suffered for a little while,
the God of all grace,
who called you to His eternal glory in Christ,
will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.
To Him be dominion forever and ever. Amen.
1Peter 5:11

"....notice how this blessing of being “established in the faith” is gained. The apostle’s words point us to suffering as the means employed—“After you have suffered for a little while.” It is of no use to hope that we shall be well rooted if no rough winds pass over us. Those old gnarlings on the root of the oak tree, and those strange twistings of the branches, all tell of the many storms that have swept over it, and they are also indicators of the depth into which the roots have forced their way. So the Christian is made strong, and firmly rooted, by all the trials and storms of life. Shrink not then from the tempestuous winds of trial, but take comfort, believing that by their rough discipline, God is fulfilling this benediction to you." 
Charles H. Spurgeon

This was in my devotional reading this morning.  I love it.  The One who seeks to establish me sends those things, those tempests and rough winds, to pass over me to make me strong.  No buffeting, no strength.  No storms, no depth of roots.  Very cool I'm so glad for the Word that speaks to me, and for saints like Spurgeon -- who have been tried and have come forth as gold -- who pen such beautiful things.

Today I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out the best buys on supplements and meds that I need to be taking.  I plan to take the information with me when I see my doctor this week and talk to him about the options.  This is part of determining what is most important and where to put the money we have, and in what order.

I've been asked if I can work tomorrow for a few hours in the morning.  It is the only shift the postmaster couldn't cover of the days I had committed to work this week, but on which I had to renege.  I'd like to be able to do that, and would appreciate prayer that I wake up able to work.  It has been an unpredictable couple of days in that regard, back- and stomach-wise.

Thanks for praying with us.  We are so grateful.  So many of these requests are the same day after day now.  It has come down to some very specific needs, so I will continue to post these critical things.

Today's Prayer Requests:
~ Housing solution.
~ Ability to work tomorrow.
~ Continued clarity on treatment options, supplements, meds, etc.
~ Provision.


  1. Debbie, May the Lord bless you with a refreshing night's sleep, a calm stomach, and back, and strength for work. May he keep you under his wing of protection and surround you with his loving presence. May He grant you wisdom and clarity, and guide you to housing. Amen

  2. Patience...


    answers are just around the corner.

    My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. Exod. 33:14

  3. Patience. Amen. And rest. Thank you.
