Friday, June 17, 2011

40 Days of Prayer - Day 8

"I am the vine, you are the branches;
he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit,
for apart from Me you can do nothing.
John 15:5

"Without Me, you can do nothing." ~ Jesus

We have a wall sign in our dining room that reminds me of this everyday.  There is nothing I can do in my own strength, even when I think I can.  It doesn't change the truth of the matter.  Without Him, I can do nothing.  Nothing.  And it's really comforting that He is that close.  Abiding in Him means that inseparable connection.  Can't really tell where I end and He begins and vice versa.  Very cool.  So, in His strength we continue on.

Just a couple of things today...... I have an appointment next week for a gall bladder evaluation.  It's an ultrasound procedure, non-invasive, simple.  I like that.  :-)  So, we will see if that is a contributor, or rule it out, one way or the other.

Secondly, we've decided to start with adrenal support and the meds will be arriving tomorrow, I think.  There is enough evidence, I believe, to warrant going in that direction.  My ND feels the same.  So, we will see how that goes, with the assumption that we will be adding thyroid when the adrenal situation is leveled out.

On the work front, Dale got word today that he will go through the last of the formalities of the hiring process with Catholic Services next Wednesday and start training on Thursday.  He will start work by the following Tuesday or Wednesday.  Praise God for that!  We are so very, very grateful.

Today's Prayer Requests:
~ I am really hoping for a rapid determination of the level of medication that will be most helpful in relieving the stress on my adrenals, and for a lack of "events" in the way my body adapts to the hormonal changes.
~ I am also hoping for a smooth transition when (I assume) thyroid is added to the mix, and then wisdom in choosing the right thyroid meds when the time comes. There are a variety of options out there.
~ There is a possibility that I may have an opportunity to talk with a local doctor tomorrow, in a non-medical setting, about how he feels about alternative adrenal and thyroid treatment.  I seek God's leading on that.

Thank you again and again for praying.  I am aware of His activity, and underneath are His everlasting arms.


  1. Praying for you every day and I have shared with my family too. So that they can up light you in also.
