Friday, June 24, 2011

40 Days of Prayer - Day 15

Where there is no guidance the people fall,
But in abundance of counselors there is victory.
Proverbs 11:14 

Dale brought up this verse from Proverbs recently and I was thinking about it again today.  In contrast to what it is saying, sometimes an abundance of counselors has been confusing to me, so.......I want to try to figure this out.  Of course guidance is what I look for everyday, and without it I fall (lose the battle, perhaps).  "But, in abundance of counselors there is victory."  Not losing the battle.  So, if wisdom says that abundant counselors are good, I need to hear that.

Today I had a couple of things happen that kinda lean in this direction.  My friend let me know that her brother (ND) is willing to talk with me about my health issues on the phone.  Tomorrow, during his vacation.  Amazingly.  So we will be doing that sometime late tomorrow.  And then a dear friend called because she wanted to share some stuff with me about her own health experiences, and to recommend a doctor that has helped her.  He happens to be one who was recommended to me back in April by someone else as well, and whose office is very near my back doctor in Graham.  (These two new doctors focus on different methods and aspects of  diagnosis and treatment.)  As my friend and I talked, this verse occurred to me again, and it took root.  I was reminded of something my PCP said last month, something like "there isn't just one way to deal with health concerns."  And, "it's not necessarily black and white."  As I've gone to the various doctors over the past months, at each stop I've come away with another bit of knowledge regarding possible issues.  The big picture has had puzzle pieces added bit by bit, and it may be that these two new options will also add color and life to the picture.  And I can't help but think that these contacts are in answer to the prayer that you all have lifted on our behalf.  So, we will check them out and see if the Lord continues to lead in those directions, or not.

I was able to talk with two nurses today.  One reported that the gall bladder test was negative, so that is now ruled out.  The other answered a question I had about the reliability of the biopsy test for celiac.  I have heard a number of different opinions.  She had done some talking with the doctor, and she indicated that even if I haven't eaten gluten for a year, the biopsy would still be able to determine, on a cellular level I guess, whether the disease is present.  That doesn't mean that I don't have an allergy or sensitivity to gluten or wheat, but that wouldn't be as severe as celiac is.  So, two good things have been learned today. 
A praise today is that Dale started training at his new job and he feels it is a "good fit" which is something we have been praying for for a long time.  I am so stoked for him!  He is still looking for a car, if anyone knows of a cheap beater anywhere. Small pickup would be awesome, but anything small would be good.  :-)

Today's Prayer Requests:
~ I work my half-day shift tomorrow, and I am looking for His sufficiency in that.
~ This conversation with the ND tomorrow to determine if we feel it would be a good fit to work together on my health issues.
~ The possibility of a similar conversation with the other Dr. in Graham.
Thank you for praying.  I pray that God will richly bless each of you for your faithfulness on our behalf.


  1. Praying that you will be clear in your conversation and that you feel very calm and comfortable in talking with the ND today and the other doctor, as I completely understand how hard it is to get across everything in spoken word. Keep your letter handy that you wrote earlier as guidance! May you receive clear confirmation of which doctor God has in mind for you, either one of these two or someone else. Also praying for strength for you today as you work. How encouraging and joyful that must feel! And honestly, I'm just praying that someone will GIVE Dale a truck!!! :)

  2. Thanks, Leanna. You bless me!
