Sunday, June 26, 2011

40 Days of Prayer - Day 17

Let me dwell in Your tent forever;
Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings.
Psalm 61:4 

I love the imagery in this verse.  Dwelling with God, taking refuge in the shelter of His wings.
Dwelling.  Refuge.  Shelter.

They are all part of the security of a safe place.  And He is it.  That safe place.  His wings over and around me, protecting me.  Giving me shelter and refuge in a difficult world.  Very cool.

There's not really any news today.  I spent some time getting information ready to send to the ND I talked with yesterday and hope to send it off tomorrow.  We spent the rest of the day with the whole family and some dear friends and their kids around a wonderful meal at Jessie's and Dale's place.  We always love to be there.  I got to hear about Sunday School from my grandson and about the party he went to yesterday, and listen to the joyous play of 5 happy (most of the time!) children.

Tomorrow I will be checking out the other alternative-medicine doctor and hope to gain an understanding of what he does and how he might be able to help, especially with allergy and sensitivity ID.

I'm really struggling with my stomach, and the foggy thinking that accompanies it. The last couple of days have been hard.  It's kinda like first-trimester pregnancy nausea.  No rhyme or reason that I can identify.  I'm just having to wait it out until something can be determined.  Grace.  It's what I need.  :-)

Today's Prayer Requests:
~ Good communication with both of these new doctors, and it would be awesome if there could be some rapid progress in feeling better.  I feel as if the downward spiral has started again and I'm pretty worn out.
~ Talking with my boss this week about work schedule for the summer.
~ A solution to the mold problem in our home.

Thank you for praying.  So much.

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