Saturday, June 25, 2011

40 Days of Prayer - Day 16

In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while,
if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials,
so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold
which is perishable, even though tested by fire,
may be found to result in praise and glory and honor
at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
1Peter 1:6&7

Not long ago, a dear friend gave me a CD entitled "Come Weary Saints."  It has been a real blessing to me these days.  The lyrics I've shared below have really stayed with me and remind me of the above verses.

Every Day
Joel Sczebel & Todd Twining

In Your grace You know where I walk
You know when I fall
You know all my ways
In Your love I know You allow
What I cannot grasp
To bring You praise

Thank You for the trials
For the fire, for the pain
Thank You for the strength
Knowing You have ordained
Every day

Your great power is shown when I'm weak
You help me to see
Your love in this place
Perfect peace is filling my mind
And drawing my heart
To praise You again

In my uncertainty, Your Word is all I need
To know You're with me every day

I am back to really difficult days.  My stomach is revolting at just about anything I eat.  No rhyme or reason that I can find.  My back is not good.  Trouble sleeping last night with heart palps, etc.  This song is a blessing to me in the midst.  I wish I could find a link to a performed version of it so you could listen to it, too.  I'm grateful for the gift of music.

I made it through my work shift today, praise God.  I had asked Him for a light day, and He granted it.  And then I was able to go hear our band at the Strawberry Festival at Boistfort Valley Farm in Curtis.  Lovely day.  Good music.  Fun people.

I was also able to talk with the ND brother of my friend.  I came away feeling that this could work.  He is a believer, firstly.   He listens well, seems to share a similar approach to the styles of diagnosis and treatment that I prefer.  He asked good questions and pegged some things during this initial conversation.  I will be sending him all my written health history, description of current issues, labs, med and supplement listings, etc., which he will look over and then let me know what he thinks.  I am beyond grateful for his time.

I will be calling the other recommended new doctor this coming week to try to get a better handle on what he actually does.  One of the hard things I am dealing with is the difficulty with allergy testing.  I have had food allergies since I was 18 months old, and I suspect there are more that are unknown to me which could be critical to my getting well.  Without going into detail, it's often hard, for a number of reasons, to peg allergies.  My hope is that this other alternative doctor and his methods may be able to assist in this area, where blood testing can be inconclusive.

Today's Prayer Requests:
~ Perseverance in trials and the reaffirmation that this is all about Him, not all about me.  His praise, His glory.
~ Continued direction about these new doctor possibilities.
~ I will be talking with my boss this week about the work schedule in July and August.  I am coming to peace with what I believe the Lord is telling me.  I am asking for continued confirmation.  I will share about it after I've talked with her.

Thank you again for praying.

Here is a little taste of the Strawberry Festival!

The Band!
Reuben, Astrid, Maggie, Boomer, Jessie, Amanda, Dale

The Sound Booth and Sound Man
and his wife and brother-in-law
also known as my daughter and son.  :-)
And Marcy and Bethany.



I love these people!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Deb,
    I've been out of the loop concerning your health for several weeks now, so I really appreciated reading and catching up via your posts! I look forward to hearing how your visit with the ND went yesterday. You're in my thoughts and prayers today. Love you, dear one. Melodie
