Saturday, June 11, 2011

40 Days of Prayer - Day 2

"Since I have heard of it, I have not ceased to pray that you be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may walk in a manner worthy of Him, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of Him."
Colossians 1:9-10

Last night when I was googling about adrenal and thyroid treatment, I came across a website that explains the relationship between adrenal fatigue and the part it plays in the ability of the body to use thyroid hormone properly.  Adequate adrenal function enables thyroid to be absorbed into the cells in our bodies.  If there is inadequate adrenal function (adrenal fatigue), the thyroid present in our bodies isn't able to do its job.

Something clicked for me when I read that.  I have been on T3, because my T3 levels are very low.  But I ended up with what could be thyroid overdose symptoms.  Hmmmm.  My adrenal levels are also low.  Could it be that because of adrenal fatigue, the thyroid I've been taking has been unusable, and therefore has been accumulating in my body, resulting in thyroid overdose symptoms?  My doctor has prescribed meds to boost my adrenals.  I'm doing some reading about all that now, too.

The other thing that struck me in my reading on the website, is that one of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue/low thyroid function is poor absorption in the intestines.  Another big "Hmmmmmmmm."  Could my gut issues be caused by the adrenal/thryroid connection?

Some pieces of the picture seem to be falling into place in my mind.  One of the main causes of adrenal fatigue is stress.  Unusual life stress.  Last year I went through the hardest, most stressful period of time in my life.  Bar none. Including Junior High.  No joke.  At the end of that six month period of time, having felt pretty well following the removal of dairy and gluten from my diet, my health just fell apart.  Stomach, back, fatigue. Etc., etc.  Could it be that the major stress was the factor that torched my adrenals/thyroid, and then took its toll on my gut?  It seems like a valid possibility.

Today's Prayer Request:
That God would reveal to us the root cause(s) of the issues I'm dealing with.

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