Wednesday, June 15, 2011

40 Days of Prayer - Day 6

"Only fear the LORD and serve Him in truth with all your heart;
for consider what great things He has done for you."
1Samuel 12:24

It has been a very good day.  On a number of fronts.

Dale has been hired by Catholic Services, contingent on his references check.  This is huge!  He went today for an interview, not expecting anything more than to be told what the next step would be in the interviewing process.  Truly amazing.  He may start training as early as next week.  Praise Jesus!

I also found out today that I do not have Celiac Disease (gluten intolerance).  Both the labs and the biopsy are negative.  This is also huge.  The less visual and test-result evidence there is of problems in my gut, the more it points to something like the thyroid and adrenal issue.

And, I have felt really pretty well today.  Still having palpitations, but no dizziness to speak of.  I have made progress on the learning front regarding adrenal/thyroid issues, and also in pinpointing symptoms in myself that continue to lean in that direction.

So, the main thing remains to be able to work with a sympathetic local doctor.  And get letters written when I feel I am equipped, information-wise, to do so.

Thank you so much for praying!  We are seeing mountains moving.

Today's Prayer Requests:
~ Rejoicing in God's hand in Dale's apparent hiring at Catholic Services.
~ Rejoicing in the lab and biopsy results.
~ Continued ability to learn and then to find a local doctor.


  1. Hallelujah!! What wonderful news on Dale's hiring. God put king's in place, and He is still doing it today with His servants. Love you guys!

  2. Great news! Dale has a job, and no gluten intolerance and good reports for you!
    Will continue to pray,

  3. Thanks, Leanna and Anne. Love to each of you.
