Thursday, June 23, 2011

40 Days of Prayer - Day 14

"The house [Of the LORD], while it was being built,
was built of stone prepared at the quarry,
and there was neither hammer nor axe nor any iron tool
heard in the house while it was being built."
1 Kings 6:7

The past two days, my reading in Spurgeon has been good.  And revelatory of things I need to remember.  That verse from 1 Kings talks about the stone used to build the house of the Lord, and the fact that it was prepared at the quarry.  All the squaring, planing and chipping had already been done before it came to the temple.  It was brought "perfectly ready" and simply put into place, its perfect function already established and determined.

The same goes for the temple Jesus is building.  Of us.  He is making us ready here.  All the squaring, planing and chipping is readying us for our perfect fit in heaven.  

"There will be no sanctifying us there, no squaring us with affliction, no planing us with suffering.  No, we must be made fit here, and when He has done it, we shall be ferried by a loving hand across the stream of death, and brought to the heavenly Jerusalem, to abide as eternal pillars in the temple of the Lord." C.H. Spurgeon

Such a good reminder for me.  All of this stuff I go through here is getting me ready for my place in heaven, conforming me to the image of Jesus.  It is worth it.  Hard as it is sometimes.

Today has been a little better than yesterday.  My stomach is still throwing a fit, but the rest is not as intense, for which I am really grateful.

Dale and I spent some time talking this morning about the difficulties of yesterday regarding the doctor stuff, and both of us feel that it would be good to pursue someone else who is more suited to who I am and the kind of doctoring I need.  Neither of us feel that it was a mistake to have started with the first ND.  Much good has come out of it and we have a more firm starting place than we did two months ago.

I talked with a friend this morning whose brother is an ND in northern Washington.  It sounds as if, through her description of him and my perusal of his websites, that he would be a good one with whom to have a consultation to determine if we would make a compatible team to tackle my health issues.  That may happen as early as next week.  We would appreciate your continued prayer about that.

Nothing yet on the gall bladder test.  The Dr. was out of the office today, so I'll hear tomorrow afternoon, probably.

Thank you, again, for praying.  It may sound redundant, day after day, but we mean it.  :-)  Every day.

Today's Prayer Requests:
~ Still the same thing about finding a good fit in a doctor, local or otherwise.
~ All that squaring, planing and chipping having the result the Lord intends in my life.
~ A car for Dale.  Soon.  Cheap.  He starts orientation stuff tomorrow for his new job.