Thursday, June 16, 2011

40 Days of Prayer - Day 7

Do not trust in princes, in mortal man,
in whom there is no salvation. 
How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD his God,
Psalm 146:3&5

This morning when we were texting, Jessie asked me how I was feeling, and I responded, "Feeling really pretty good.  Wow.  How long has it been since I said that?  I'll enjoy it for as long as it lasts."  And it was a good day, all day, made even more delightful by a visit from my dear sister-in-law.  Though I hesitate to call her that.  She's the sister I never had, and I appreciate her so much.

Also this morning, Dale asked me if I know why I'm feeling better at this point, and I had to answer that the only things I can attribute it to are the prayers of the saints and perhaps the relief that comes from the knowledge of what isn't wrong with me.

It was a "back doctor day" and Maggie and I drove to Graham to see him.  I have maintained my correction for over 5 weeks now.  That is some kind of record for me during the early stages of treatment.  It means we don't have to go as often and we are holding at making the trip only every two weeks now.  That's awesome.

I'm continuing in my study on the adrenal/thyroid connection and more and more things are pointing to those issues as the potential cause of my health decline.  I am so grateful for the ability to do so much reading in the comfort of my own home.  The testimonials of those who have dealt with these issues are encouraging to me.  They have gone before me on this road, and their experiences give me great hope that there is the possibility of "normal" out there for me, too.

A real praise today is that my weight loss has stalled and I am up by almost a pound and a half.  Seems small, but it's huge to me!  With the broadening of my diet, I hope I will continue to gain steadily.

And another praise is that God has supplied us with the funds to meet our most critical bill at the exact time we needed to make the payment.  And He has also continued to supply funds for uncovered medical costs.  Thank you to those of you who have helped us in this way.  You know who you are.  We are so very, very grateful and humbled by the the generous spirit He has displayed in you.  The passage from Psalm 146 is particularly meaningful in this area.  We are not to trust in man, but in the God of Jacob, who is our salvation.  And He often chooses to use men to accomplish His purposes--when we trust in Him and not man.  Very cool equation, I think. :-)

Today's Prayer Requests:
~ Continued weight gain for me.
~ That God would continue to reveal the truth of my health issues and shed light on the paths we are to take in pursuing healing.

Thank you so much for praying.  We are seeing His hand in amazing ways.  He is awesome, and your prayers are a sweet incense to Him.  Isn't that remarkable?  Our prayers being incense to the God of the universe?  I love that He did that.

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