Monday, June 13, 2011

40 Days of Prayer - Day 4

"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with Whom there is no variation or shifting shadow."
James 1:17

"Dear Lord, for all the gifts that we never see clearly
or understand much
or appreciate hardly at all, bless You."
Brian Doyle

From my journal regarding the above quote from Brian Doyle ~
Thank You for that.  Another reminder of good gifts.  Everything from Your hand is intended for my benefit.  Nothing is a bad gift.  Nothing.  So please help me to always say "Thank You" -- for everything -- no matter what it looks like, because You only give good gifts and You are incapable of making a mistake with my life.
~ Peace.  Awesome. ~
So, I am thanking the Lord today for the gift of the time I spent talking with a friend about her experiences with adrenal/thyroid issues, and for the reading I've been doing this evening about the same.  The fact that I can learn about this sitting at my dining table is amazing.  What a blessing.  It is enabling me to make progress on what I mentioned yesterday regarding gaining a greater understanding of these issues.  
The more I read about adrenal fatigue, the more the shoe fits.  A number of the symptoms associated with this condition are a familiar list to me.  As are those on the hypothyroid list.  It appears the two often go hand-in-hand.  It is possible that these two conditions are the root cause of many of my issues.  Stomach, poor absorption, low B-12 and D levels, etc.  From my perspective, it would be awesome if the answer were as "simple" as that. There remain questions in my mind about how best to treat these conditions, so I'll continue to learn as much as I can so I can intelligently talk with my doctor(s) about it. 

I have an appointment with my PCP on Friday to go over test results, providing they are in by then, and I'll be talking with her about the gall bladder thing then, and possibly the adrenal/thyroid connection.
So, not much has changed with how I'm feeling.  Still dealing with the heart pounding and the dizziness thing.  My stomach is up and down.  Very tired.  Fatigued.

Today's Prayer Requests:
~ Continued prayer regarding God's leading on how to proceed and the securing of a supportive local doctor.
~ Perseverance in adversity and infirmity.  Peter says that perseverance brings about Godliness, and I'm all for that!  Paul says that it results in hope, and hope does not disappoint.  That is comforting.

Thank you again for praying.  You are awesome.

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