Sunday, June 19, 2011

40 Days of Prayer - Day 10

For the LORD takes pleasure in His people.
The LORD your God is in your midst
A victorious warrior.
He will take great delight in you,
He will be quiet in His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing. 

Psalm 149:4, Zephaniah 3:17

Something I have struggled to take to my heart is God's delight in me.  Being His beloved.  Realizing He rejoices over me. And takes pleasure in me.  His Word says He does.  But my heart is slow to understand it.  Feel it.  Part of that comes from my earthly, human experiences.  I keep asking Him to help me appropriate these truths.  But somehow I just can't seem to believe it.  Which is sinful on my part.  Not believe my God?  Not a good thing.

During this time of trial and infirmity, He has done much to reveal these things to me.  The love of my family, the care of my friends, the outpouring of prayer from all of you, leading and direction on too many occasions to count, words of encouragement from writers long gone to glory, tried and come forth as gold.  And provision in so many amazing and sweet ways.  I need to learn to take these things to the bank, as the saying goes.  Recognize them for what they are.  His expression of love for me, delight in me, His voice singing over me with rejoicing.  Isn't that an amazing picture?  Him rejoicing over me with singing?  Over you?  I kind of think of it as a lullaby, like we sang over our children when they were tiny.  Love poured forth in song.  Wow.

So, today is one of His gifts in that way.  It was a quiet Sunday, we had a nice dinner for Father's Day, and I got the chance to read a lot.  Not because I had to lie down from feeling lousy, but because I wanted to.  Very nice. And I am still enjoying a quiet stomach, the high powered enzymes seeming to do their job.  What a blessing that is.

This coming week will have several events over which to pray.  Tests, new meds, conversations with at least one nurse or doctor.

Thank you so much for your prayers.  I am blessed.  A lot.

Today's Prayer Requests:
~ Starting new meds and a smooth transition to that.
~ Gall bladder test on Wednesday.
~ Doctor/Nurse conversation later in the week regarding meds/treatment for adrenals and thyroid.

My blessed family, then and now.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debbie,
    Oh, I agree. I struggle with understanding just how much He delights in me, and it comes from my experiences and struggles as well.
    I'll be praying for you this week.
    Anne ♥
