Tuesday, June 21, 2011

40 Days of Prayer - Day 12

But seeing the wind, he became frightened,
and beginning to sink, he cried out, "Lord, save me!"
Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him,
and said to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?"
Matthew 14:30-31

I read something today that made me think of how often the word immediately is used in the Gospels in reference to Jesus.  Either what He did, or what people (or things) did in response to Him.  With Peter's elemental cry of "Lord, save me!" Jesus responds immediately, reaches out and takes hold of him, and he is saved.  The woman with a flow of blood for 12 years touches the hem of His garment, and immediately she is healed, and knows it.  When Jesus calls the fishermen, they immediately leave their nets and follow Him.

Thinking on these stories made me realize something profound.  To me, anyway.  He is always immediate.  Right here.  Right now.  Always.  No matter my need, or my situation, He is ready to respond immediately.  How often I don't act like He is.  Ouch.  So.......I need to work on that.  :-)

Today I had a bunch of blood drawn to see where I am on a number of fronts.  And also picked up lab results to add to my growing pile, which is providing much needed information for determining how we proceed from here.  I continue to be blessed by the kindness of the Lord in equipping me with knowledge.  It empowers, in a good way, at this point in our quest.

Tomorrow morning I have the gall bladder ultrasound procedure.  I'm praying for accurate results there.

So, Today's Prayer Requests:
~ Accurate results from gall bladder test, and also from blood draws today.
~ Continued prayer for clarity regarding work in August.  I need to be able to let this go if that's what is needed.  And that's more of a struggle than I'd like it to be.
~ A car for Dale to get to and from work.  Cheap.  :-)

Thank you again and again for praying with us.  You are, each one, precious to us.


  1. Praying on all fronts. :-) My prayers are in the morning, during the day and at night, whenever you and Em come to mind, which is a lot. I've linked you two together to pray about. :-) So, if I'm a day late with a comment, know you were being covered! LOL
    Anne ♥
