Monday, January 11, 2016

Imaging this week....

For you formed my inward parts,
You wove me in my mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13

Not only did He form my inward parts, He can see them when the rest of us can't!

I was able to visit my new primary care provider at the end of December and he has ordered some imaging which will be happening this Wednesday.

He doesn't think there's anything going on structurally with my back, and because of that he couldn't order imaging for my back, but he found an abnormality in my gut that he wants to explore, and also to re-check some pelvic stuff.  So in the end, the same things will be accomplished.

We'd appreciate prayer that if there's anything to be discovered, it will be clear and plain as to what is going on.

Thanks so much for your prayers!