Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 3 Update on Meds

The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

Just a quick update......

I'm on day 3 of the "big guns" and doing okay so far.  Dale and I were both really anxious on Wednesday about one of the meds and the possible severe side-effects.  So much so that I decided I needed to call my doctor and talk with her about it.  She returned my call the next morning (yesterday) and was able to explain why she is comfortable prescribing this particular med (neomycin).

The FDA warnings include the possibility of kidney problems and hearing loss.  When she went through treatment, she had the same concerns, obviously, and when she began treating SIBO patients, she had real questions as to whether this drug was actually okay to prescribe.  She took about a year to research the FDA claims, and the conclusion she has drawn indicates that the IV form of neomycin is indeed plagued with the very real and documented risk of kidney issues and hearing loss, however, the oral meds have no history of causing the same issues.  She talked with many pharmacists, doctors, and members of one other entity, the identity of which I'm not remembering.  They all confirm that they have seen no incidence of kidney or hearing issues in the use of oral neomycin.  This has been a great relief to us.

As of today, Day 3, I am not experiencing any of the other potentially nasty side-effects.  I'm just really tired.  And as Dale says, that's the easiest of the possibilities to deal with.  I agree!

Thanks so much for praying for us.  I'll keep you updated as we go.

1 comment:

  1. This is good news. Tired ~ we can deal with.:-)
    Keeping you in prayer.
