Friday, November 9, 2012

Quick Update

Enter His gates with thanksgiving
And His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him, bless His name. 
Psalm 100:4  

Being that it's November and Thanksgiving is around the corner, this verse is often in my mind.  It was my mom's favorite verse to read before our feast on Thanksgiving Day and it always reminds me of her.  And I am thankful these days for what look to be some answers for my health issues.

I've been on treatment now for 11 days.  While it's too early to judge whether I'm on the mend or not, I believe that the meds are doing what they're supposed to.  I'm experiencing die-off symptoms, which is a good sign, and if I take the meds too often, I really feel it.  So, I'm engaged in the dance of determining what is too much and what is not enough.  Thankfully I have the freedom to mess with the dose and get it to a manageable level on my own.

I think that eliminating the foods from my diet which I thought were "safe" has had a positive impact on my system as well.  I still have a long way to go, but there is hope that we're on the right track now.

Thanks for much for praying.  I'll keep you all updated as we go along.

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