Saturday, June 9, 2012

A little catching up.....

Well, it has been a year since the original 40 Days of Prayer was started by my dear daughter, Jessie.  Isn't that amazing?!

I've had it on my list for quite awhile to blog here and give you all an update, and today seems to be the day.

After about a year of treatment for the various issues that have been discovered (endocrine insufficiency [adrenal fatigue, pancreatitis, thyroid issues], leaky gut and mal-absorption, weight loss, MCS [multiple chemical sensitivity]), I don't feel that I have really made much progress in healing, other than that I have gained some weight.  For which I'm very grateful.

I am still dealing with gut issues involving cyclic nausea and food intolerances.  And as a result of adrenal fatigue, I have no real capacity for dealing with stress.  Everyday occurrences or changes to my simple schedule cause me to fall apart.  If you are familiar with the term "stress window," mine is basically nonexistent.  I struggle with being in large groups and find I "recharge" in solitude as opposed to with people, as I always have.  It is strange to feel as if I've turned into an introvert, and I miss "me."

In the midst of what we understand to be wrong with me, it seems that there must be an unaddressed underlying cause for all of these issues that simply has not been discovered yet.  My blessed doctor continues to explore options that come to his attention, and currently we are looking at two possible causes for which testing is available.  One is SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and the other is mold poisoning.  I will be talking with him probably next week about what comes next.

We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we mine these new ideas for clues as to what is actually going on in my body.  We hang onto the knowledge that God reveals mysteries from the darkness and brings the deep darkness into light (Job 12:22), and our trust is only in Him.

I would also really appreciate prayer for my family as we walk this path.  It is hard on all of them.

Bless each of you for your commitment to pray for us.  In talking or corresponding with many of you, I am so thankful for your continued prayer.  I can't imagine where we would be without you.


  1. Always praying for your health, well being and gratitude that I can call you friend.

  2. I hope you feel better soon, Debbie. We had our house tested for mold this past year, but thankfully it was pretty minor and we had our vents cleaned professionally. I was diagnosed with some hypothyroid problems, but have modified my diet.

  3. Praying always.
    Love you,
