Thursday, October 4, 2012

A reward for His suffering......

"May the Lamb that was slain
receive the reward of His suffering."
1st Moravian Missionary

On Sunday, our teaching time was used to watch and listen to a video of revival preacher sermons.  One of them was Paris Reidhead, who preached the famous sermon "10 Shekels and a Shirt" which concludes with the quotation of one of two Moravians who had sold themselves into slavery in order to reach slaves who would otherwise never hear the gospel.  As they sailed away from their loved ones, never to return, he called back to them, "May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering!"

That is our reason for being.  Jesus's reward for His suffering.

This has been in my mind all week.  We, His beloveds, are the reward of His suffering.  Every soul who comes to a saving knowledge of Him is the reward of His suffering.  That is an amazing thought which is settling into my heart.  And recognizing that I am the reward of His suffering enables me to see new ways in which I belong to Him.

Last Friday my health took a turn for the worse.  My gut has just come to a point where it doesn't really like anything in it.  I'm dealing with nausea most of the time, as well as light-headedness and dizziness.  My weight has dropped again.

After doing some more research on SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), my original belief that it isn't a factor has been challenged.  There are many markers that indicate it would be wise to test for it.  I found a doctor at a clinic in Portland who specializes in SIBO, and the lab provides a SIBO hydrogen breath test that I can do at home.  That was a huge relief, because the test requires a 12 hour fast, involves drinking a sugar substance and then taking breath samples over a 3-hour period.  Having to drive somewhere on a fast, being in a strange place and sick from the sugar substance, and then having to drive home again was keeping me from actually going and getting the test done.  Yesterday I went to Portland to pick up the test kit and will be conducting it on Monday here at home.  From there I will have the opinions of two doctors as to the results.

If SIBO is the problem, it will involve both specialized antibiotics and a tailored diet.  Diet stuff doesn't bother me anymore.  I'm so limited as to what I can eat now, it really doesn't matter.  :-)  Antibiotics are always a concern for me because of my Candida history, but this is worse than what I went through 25 years ago, and I have to trust that a SIBO specialist will guide me through the mine field.

My emotions are up and down.  I'm seeking to draw near to the One Who calls me "Beloved" and feel Him draw near to me. He reminds me daily to seek Him. Seek Him at every turn.  So I'm trying to sink into that mindset.  Let go of me and embrace Him.

One other thing that is on our hearts and minds is that the company for which Dale works is having difficulties with solvency.  His job is in jeopardy, with the very real possibility that the company will have to close down.  Prayer for another job solution, should that happen, would be greatly appreciated.

How you can pray:
~ That the SIBO testing will be definitive and conclusive.
~ That this specialist will be someone with whom I can work comfortably.
~ Perseverance!
~ Dale's job.

Thank you all for praying.  You are a great blessing to us.